Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2008

17.-24.07.08 - Sandwich Week — A sandwich to needy kids for a week


We all are busy in our daily routine life. This is but obvious, due to increasing competition in the world we all need to work hard for our self and as well as for our family.

But I am sure in the fast growing and busy world we can take out 10 minutes every day for next one week to celebrate — Sandwich Week.

Sandwich Week, is basically meant to take out 10 minutes every day from our life and find out a new needy kid every day for a week whom we can feed a sandwich.

You can celebrate this week from any part of this world.

17 July,2008 is the DAY 1 of first ever 'Sandwich Week — A sandwich to needy kids for a week'.

We tends to celebrate this week every month from 17-24 of respective month.

One can write about his/her experiences and can also post pictures on the group.

So others can also know about the things going around them.

So let's come together and celebrate Sandwich Week — A sandwich to needy kids for a week'.


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