Freitag, 8. August 2008

08.08.08 - Indische Bajans "Bhakti Sageet" ► Vienna ◄

Indische Bhajans mit
Swami Mangalananda
Swami Gurusharanananda

zugunsten eines Schulprojekts
in Omkareshwar/Zentralindien

Fr. 8. 8. 2008, 20:08 Uhr

"Alte Kapelle"
Uni-Campus (Altes AKH)
1090 Wien, Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 2

Swami Mangalananda und Swami Gurusharanananda leben im bedeutenden Pilgerort Omkareshwar im zentralindischen Bundesstaat Madhya Pradesh und haben dort die einzige Schule des Gebiets aufgebaut. Die beiden sind auch exzellente Musiker und reisen nun das zweite Jahr in den Westen, um zu singen und ihre Aktivitäten bekannt zu machen. Sie bieten ein buntes Programm mit Liedern aus verschiedenen Traditionen Indiens, begleitet mit authentischen Musikinstrumenten. Diesmal ist auch ihr ältester Schüler Captan dabei, der sie mit einer Dholak-Trommel begleitet, Unterstützung gibt es weiters - in bewährter Weise - durch Christian Weiss mit seiner Tabla.

Zwischen den Liedern erzählen die Mönche amüsante und lehrreiche Anekdoten von indischen Weisen, es werden berührende Bilder aus ihrer Gegend gezeigt und Fragen über die Schule und ihre Aktivitäten beantwortet.

Das Schöne an der beeindruckenden Aufführung ist, dass es alle Menschen gleichermaßen anspricht, kaum jemand kann sich der Lebensfreude dieser Musik entziehen.

Sämtliche Einnahmen der Veranstaltung gehen direkt an die Schule in Indien, um den weiteren Ausbau zu ermöglichen und das Bestehen zu sichern. Träger in Österreich ist der Verein "Dana Mudra - die gebende Hand".

Lieber Christian ...

ich danke Dir für diesen wunderbaren Abend, den Swami Mangalananda, Swami Gurusharanananda, Ihr Schüler und Du an der Tabla gegeben hast.

Die Alte Kapelle im alten AKH mit den beiden Engeln, die Euch begLEITeten war sicher auch eine gute Wahl. Was mich an dem Abend besonders begeistert hat, war die lockere Vermittlung spirituellem Gedankengutes (Gott hat viele Namen, Gesichter und ist in/mit Jedem) mit musikalischer Leidenschaft. Dir konnte man den Spass Deine Musik zu geben und Gastgeber dieses Abends zu sein an Deinem STRAHLEN und FUNKELN in den Augen ablesen.

Danke Dir ;)

Da es eine Benefizveranstaltung für eine Schule mit 450 Kindern war, werde ich diesen Thread in das Unterforum "SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP" verschieben, denn es ist schon fantastisch, was im "Omkareshwar Ashram" von einem EX-BRITEN und (nicht sicher) SIKH in 7 Jahren auf die Beine gestellt wurde:


P.S.: Ich hoffe wir beiden treffen uns bald auf einen Kaffee, um zu sehen, was wir in Wien & anderen Orten noch anschieben können/dürfen ;-))

The Omkareshwar Ashram

About eighty kilometers south of Indore is the ancient pilgrimage center of Lord Shiva called Omkareshwar.

The site is actually an island in the middle of the holy Narmada River,which flows on both sides of it.In the main temple of the island is the venerated Shiva Lingam of Omkareshwar Mahadev,one of the twelve Jyoti Lingams that radiate Light and Blessing to the whole of India.

Built picturesquely on the side of a hill leading down to the banks of the river, is the ashram called “Mata Anandamayi Tapo Bhumi” (Meditation and Austerity Site). This ashram was established as a quiet meditation retreat for those who wish to spend time in a beautiful natural setting, practicing meditation in a charged and uplifting environment. There are five temples on the premises; one of Anandamayi Ma, another of Lord Shiva, one of Sri Narmada Mata, and two small welcoming shrines of Sri Hanuman and Bhairav Shiva at the two entrances of the ashram.

Several Brahmacharis and Sannyasis live full time in this ashram, performing their spiritual disciplines. People come at various times for spiritual retreats and to take part in the different functions that the ashram sponsors. People are welcome to come for short or extended periods, but we ask that they write or e-mail us before coming, as the rooms are limited.

Every Mahashivaratri (the yearly celebration honoring Lord Shiva), the ashram performs the service of distributing prasadam (blessed food) to all the pilgrims that crowd the island’s pilgrim trail encircling the island on that holy day.

Mata Anandmayi Tripura Vidyapeeth

On the hill above the ashram, Swami Kedarnath and his colleagues have founded a thriving school for the local village tribal children.This class of children, known as Adivasis, is from the poorest possible family conditions, and has no other possibility for education and advancement in life.

They are given all services free of charge, and are invested with school uniforms and casuals, books and study materials, and a nutritious daily meal during school hours.

The children approach the school as tattered urchins, but respond quickly to the love, concern and training of the staff and ashramites and soon blossom into intelligent and capable students, eager to learn and full of enthusiasm for study.

The school began in July, 2001 with only the first three standards, but each year a new grade is added.

To date (2006), the school offers up to eighth standard and houses nearly 300 students.Our goalis to eventually have a campus that provides quality education up to 12th Standard, with study area, auditorium, library and sanitary facilities.

The buildings and facilities are extended yearly as the funds permit. As the school is run exclusively by donations from devotees, with no government aid, we always manage to only stay one step ahead of enrollment requirements.

The school offers a unique style of educatio, so needed in today’s world. While all the traditional secular subjects are extensively covered, emphasis is also placed on Dharma (the Eternal Path of Righteousness), moral values and character development, service to society and all religious studies.

The students study the entire life of Sri Anandamayi Ma and try to follow her holy example in their lives. .

Ashram Brahmachari Teaching Class

Each day is begun with a trek down into the ashram to pay homage in Ma’s temple and receive the blest tilak on the forehead. After returning to the school, the students perform yogasanas, meditation and have a period of prayer and chanting before beginning the actual study day

Behind all the activities of the school is the deep conviction that the future of any country and the world at large is in the hands of the upcoming generation. If the youth of the country are properly trained and raised, and the correct values and selfless spirit of service is instilled into them from a young age, they will become productive and inspired leaders and guides of a new society devoted to truth and reform, rather than ignorant followers of lower standards and norms.

The ashram houses a hostel for about twenty of the boys from the school. These boys are chosen from among the students based on their potential skills and talents, and also according to their home environment. The boys live in the ashram as traditional Brahmacharis, following a spiritual schedule of yoga, study and service, and attendance at the ashram worship services in addition to their school studies.

There is a beautiful rapport of love and respect between all the students and teachers, and the students feel at ease and at home on the ashram premises and with the residents of the ashram. In turn, the residents and teachers from the ashram have dedicated their lives to helping and training these children to face life fully prepared with the necessary skill, outlook and moral courage to successfully accomplish their goals.

Vidyapeeth Teacher with Children

The school gives a yearly cultural program at the village bus stand which is attended by the entire populace of Omkareshwar.

It has become a much looked for event in which the children, dressed in colorful costumes, sing and dance, do skits and karate and yoga demonstrations, and generally charm everyone with their talent and energy. The students have also done very well in the yearly State Board Examinations.

We invite all who hear of this important work to become involved and join us in this selfless service which is being rendered under the Patronage of Sri Anandamayi Ma. All are welcome to visit and anyone with special skills or aptitude in any subject is invited to share their knowledge with our students by presenting a special class in the school. Any material aid is welcome and donations of funds are always desperately needed to keep ahead in the construction of new classrooms for the growing enrollment.

Become a part of this great work! All donations are tax-deductible under Section 180GC

Mata Anandamayi Tripura Vidypeeth

Mata Anandamayi Peeth
18 AB Road (next to Medical College)
Indore, M.P. 452001

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